A few words on why I decided to join the Peace Corps.
February 2017
26 -
Waiting for Clearances
With three months to go, I'm still waiting for my clearances to come through. Things are a bit on hold until they do.
April 2017
12 -
Clearances Received!
I've gotten both my legal and medical clearance. Barring major incident, I'll be in Ouagadougou on or about June 15!
June 2017
10 -
I'm all packed and ready to go. I'm scheduled to arrive in the DC area tomorrow afternoon, and I should be in Ouagadougou on Wednesday.
15 -
Arrived in Ouagadougou!
I made it to Ouagadougu, and everything is going great! I'm too mentally exhausted to write a real post, but I just wanted to get this word out, and let you all know my phone number.
20 -
Moving in to Léo
We all came to the training center in Léo today, and I'm moving in to my home for the next three months. I also found out where I'll be living for the two years after that!
25 -
Happy Eid!
Today was Eid al Fitr, the end of the month of Ramadan. For a while, it became like the part of Halloween for kids. I've got a few pictures of that, and me and some of the other PCTs. In some ways, things are beginning to get a little tough, but it's still great to be here.
July 2017
04 -
Attrition Strikes
Two more volunteers have gone home, which is rough. I'm still doing well, though. Everybody is looking forward to the site visit in a couple of weeks, when we'll get to see our new homes for the next two years.
05 -
Swaggy PC
We're getting all swaggy up in this mess. Also, some more training, and some really bad jokes to go tô.
10 -
A Little Bit Country
Like Thoreau, I took up farming to know farming. I lasted maybe five minutes, but took lots of pictures. Also, a few observations on who do that voodoo that some do so well.
15 -
Some Challenges
I've reached a Peace Corps milestone: My first serious questioning of what I'm doing here, and if it's all worth it. I think it is, but it's too soon for me to have an informed judgement; what is clear is that after learning more, I'll have some 'splaining to do to myself.
25 -
Bicycle/Motorcycle Accident
A motorcycle ran into me and broke my leg rather badly, so I'm coming home soon. This post was written a little over a week after the accident, from a hospital bed in Rabat, Morocco.
28 -
Traveling from Morocco to L.A.
My trip back from Morocco to L.A. I see the pattern now: Every time I do medevac travel, something breathtakingly horrible happens :-) But I'm back in L.A., and fine.
September 2017
02 -
(Written Sept. 2) Terrible news. I found out a couple of days ago that the Peace Corps is evacuating all of the volunteers from Burkina Faso. I have to hold publication until this was made public. I'm broken hearted; I can only imagine how everyone there feels.
03 -
Final Post
Today's my last day in the Peace Corps, before I'm medically seperated (i.e. fired). Some thoughts on Burkina Faso, ZPG, development and the Peace Corps. Finally, a word or two about my medical state and prognosis.